health insurance: in the globalEye

Monday, December 26, 2005
News Release: RedOrbit - Health - More Banks Offer Health Savings Accounts to Pay Bills
[With proper guidance a Health Savings Account (HSA) can enable you to: Lower your health insurance premium by 30 - 50%; Reduce your income taxes up to $1,500 - $1,700 each year; Build an additional retirement account of several hundred thousand dollars (varies with account criteria). Note: To obtain the maximum tax benefit from your HSA in 2006, you must have your HSA-qualified health insurance plan in effect no later than January 1] insurance

RedOrbit - Health - More Banks Offer Health Savings Accounts to Pay Bills: "More Banks Offer Health Savings Accounts to Pay Bills

By Kim Norris, Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press

Dec. 24--A growing number of banks are beginning to offer health savings accounts, which are paired with high-deductible health insurance plans and poised to become the hottest thing in health coverage since HMOs.

Consumers like the convenience because HSAs can be linked to checking accounts, allowing them to use debit cards to pay medical bills.

Banks benefit because HSAs attract customers and deposits can be used for everything from mortgages to car loans.

LaSalle Bank, for instance, introduced its HSA a week ago and plans to launch an advertising campaign in January.

'Although the high-deductible health plans are not the most prevalent offering today, the research we did indicates that is the direction they will be moving,' said Diane Berner, senior vice president in charge of the bank's consumer deposit product management.

Created in 2003, HSAs allow individuals and employers to set aside money before it's taxed to pay for doctor, hospital and other medical bills. Unlike flexible spending accounts, the money in HSAs can be rolled over year after year. The money earns interest or can even be invested in mutual funds "