health insurance: in the globalEye

Health Plan Specialists Debunk the Myth: HSAs are Just for the Healthy insurance.feature article

According to Emily Harding, principal of Health Plan Specialists, health insurance consumers at large have been misled by so-called 'experts' concerning the 'risks' of HSA's. According to Harding, when detailed cost-analysis is applied, traditional co-pay health insurance plans are more costly than a well placed HSA plan, even for the unhealthy. “The truth is, contrary to past advice about HSA plans from “experts”, any detailed cost analysis will easily prove there are far more risks and less protection for a much greater cost with co-pay plans than with properly priced and selected HSA plan”-– even for the sick.” said Harding.
[ insurance]

Health Plan Specialists Debunk the Myth: HSAs are Just for the Healthy

PRWeb™ : Press Release>NewsWire

Experts in choosing the better health insurance values for their clients prove with actual quotes for co-pay plans and HSA qualified health plans that a well priced HSA plan provides more than enough savings to provide better health care protection for less cost than traditional co-pay plans – for both the sick and the healthy.

Newport, RI (PRWEB) January 16, 2006 -- The general public has been misled by so-called “experts” who warn of “risks” associated with high deductible health plans used with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) – especially for the unhealthy.

For far too long people have been advised to choose a plan based on their current needs and that the best plan for someone with a chronic condition is one that will “cover” or pay for the on-going expenses for that condition.

“What the so-called “experts” have failed to do is take into consideration the bottom-line cost for healthcare -- which includes the monthly premiums or cost of the insurance plus all the co-pays, deductibles, and out of pocket costs”, said Emily Harding, principal of Health Plan Specialists.

“Typically with even the most expensive “best” co-pay plan, the co-pays...